Cross the bridge leading to the car park and take the path up to the left.
At the first crossroads, follow the path straight ahead (due east). After a few bends, at a sharp turn to the right, continue straight ahead (in an easterly direction) towards Granges de Mouchecuite.
Cross over the Valfredda stream at Pont de L’Etan.
Take the path to the left of Chapelle de Notre-Dame des Neiges (1,863 m), then turn right onto the Sentier de la Gentiane and follow the mule track (1,927 m). Here, you'll see the former Decauville railway line that was used to construct the Rochemolles dam.
Follow the flat trail along the Col du Sommeiller route and Rio Almiane, passing through a tunnel to reach the base of the dam.
Turn right onto the route leading to the refuge hosts’ house until you come to the route leading to the pass. Cross it and follow it for a few dozen metres to climb the mule track to the left (north/north-east) of Grange Almiane (2,129 m).
At La Grange, turn right and take the path (south/south-east) that runs above Grange Selle (2,225 m), following the valley to reach Col Almiane (2,677 m).
Head down the north-facing scree slope to join the road at Pian dei Morti (approx. 2,470 m).
Continue along the route until you reach the top of the first bend in the track leading down (along the left bank of Rio Fond) and follow its winding course up to the last bend.
Continue down for fifty metres, taking the path on the right (downstream) on the north-west side towards Rio Balma.
Cross over and turn right (north-east) towards Cascade du Fond, along the mule track that leads to Refuge Scarfiotti.
To join the Decauville track, at the beginning of the route for Grange La Croix and Valfredda, from Rochemolles, there are three options:
1) Head west through Rochemolles and, at the last houses, take the mule track on the right which, after crossing the stream, leads to the Sommeiller road not far from Chapelle San Rocco (10 mins).
Follow the mule track around the chapel and up to Granges Mouchecuite, crossing the main road three times.
Once you reach Granges, walk through the village to Chapelle Madonna della Neve. Immediately take the mule track heading south, to join the Decauville track which is just opposite the junction with the road to Valfredda (1hr 10).
2) From the main route, the second junction (1,775 m), leave the mule track and follow the path heading east. Cross Pont de l’Etan over the Valfredda stream and join the alternative path (option 1) at Chapelle Madonna della Neve and, from there, the Decauville track (1hr 15).
3) From the main route, at the intersection with the Sentier du Gran Bea (1,885 m), leave the mule track and head east along this trail. Follow this path until you come to a crossroads that takes you to the Decauville track on the left, just before the bridge over the Valfredda bridge, and then to Pont l’Etan on the right, with a gentle downhill slope (1hr 20).
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